How to Conduct a Media Tour

by | Feb 26, 2020 | Insights

A media tour can be a great opportunity to gain positive press for your organization.


It can also backfire, if certain steps aren’t taken.


The following tips will help you make the most of your media tour and avoid the most common pitfalls:


  • Have a balanced schedule. If you’re too spontaneous, you’ll end up with more information than you need, and you might miss opportunities that are actually valuable. But if your schedule is so tightly packed that there’s no margin for error, you could end up having to cancel an important meeting that you otherwise could have postponed. Overplanning is better than underplanning, but stay flexible.


  • Prepare for interviews. You want to be informed not only about the issues that might come up in the interview and how they relate to your organization, but about the reporter as well. The more familiar you are with the reporter’s background, publication, and current projects, the more prepared you’ll be to answer questions in a way that will paint your organization in the best possible light.


  • Don’t panic. If, despite your best efforts, your planning and preparation turn out to be inadequate and things don’t go perfectly, relax and try to make the best of the situation. If you have to miss an appointment, apologize and try to reschedule. If you’re caught off guard by a reporter’s question, just be honest and admit that you’re not able to answer the question. No matter how much you prepare, you can’t anticipate everything that can go wrong.


Above all, seize opportunities wherever they appear! Try to establish connections with everyone you meet, and never turn down a networking opportunity. While some meetings may be more crucial than others, everyone you meet on a media tour can play a small role in your company’s success.

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