How does Content Marketing relate to Advocacy?

by | Mar 9, 2020 | Insights

What is Customer Advocacy?


Customer advocacy is a form of customer service that concentrates on what is best for the customer. There is a focus on giving customers what they want and need. Customer advocates are very important because they’re the people who will become the bedrock of your brand.

They spend more money, bring you new customers and spread your brand all across social media and their personal friend and family networks without any incentive to do so. Their actions are the ones which can change the opinions AND purchases of a huge number of consumers That’s why you want them on your side.

If you want to reach a wider audience, you’re going to want to generate more social media shares. You can share content from all your company’s social profiles—and you should!—but it’s going to resonate with more people (and with your target audience) if many other people are also sharing it. Attempting to reach a bigger number of people on Facebook? Create a challenge asking advocates to share your video with their Facebook network. You could even provide them with a script.

Advocates are a huge asset for any brand and you should make it a top priority to keep them on your side!

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